f a t i h a t i e
Memula nak jahit style cendawan ni kat baju wani..tp tenggelam dek bunga2 ENglish Cottonnye..so, next

tarrrraaa....hope u like it...basi kan aku letak kat sini...paten biase je tp..buat double decker lg soh nmpk manik ni hehe..

Tempahan yg buat aku x keruan, sbb aku x biase lg buat pangkah2 ni, org mintak pattern ni, layan kan aje..

Gatal tangan nk jahit manik kat baju utk g kenduri kak ieta

Inilah bakal kakak ipar sy. Beza setahun je dgn sy. Ade jemputan kenduri kak ieta tegur igt sy ni adik dia..(errr sama ke, cam langit dan bumi je?)
Majlis bertandang sy nnt akan disatukan dgn majlis perkahwinannya 31 october nnt..
Kak ieta pilih warna hijau utk majlis akad nikah nnt dan cream utk persandingannya bersama pelamin hijau.
Mulanya sy tercengang juga.
Sbb majlis akd nikah sy udah cream,resepsi cream gold, bertandang cream balik.
Lepas beli kain utk majlis bertandang, saye sgt suke kain itu dan x mengapalah kalau cream lagi.
Perlu toleransi kan.Lagipun, warna je. (Kalau majlis saye la, sy x mau kongsi pelain dgn org lain hahah jahat kan)
(Practise toleransi dgn keluarga besan utk selepas kawen nnt...akan dtg lagi hebat pula)
Maka bersedialah..
Kerana fakta hidup x kan lepas dr mslh.
(kdg2 bkn mslh, tp kite yg rs masalah negara kan) hehe
Maka permudahkanlah. (hehe sy ni pun bkn terer mempermudahkan, tp blajo2 le)

dgn family+bkl family besan

Putih itu suci~Dr Abg Razak

BUndar tp sendu..comel kan

Simple yet cantik selendang ni. Beli chiffon, DIY manik pun boley..hihi

Amekkan lauk utk org saket=)
f a t i h a t i e
I’m back! hihi basinyer..

Bandung was fun i guess..


Din hv much time to finish our list..

Bought laces, doorgift, a few hantaran etc..


Having no mood to update abt the trip=)

plus i'm not a good reviewer..huhu

Ok let’s think of the future.

I guess i can already start from here.

This dot.

When is the megasale guys?

Heheh, got a few more hantaran to buy.

guess they will b no megasale in the nearest time..

n here's the pics..the historypjgnye nama
1st day~breakfast

idaman ku sll...sejak sblum faiz, dini & aina kawen lagi.huhu sume gold kan...pe specialnye gold nie..ntah le..

muke yg dh x leh blah dah tgu mama pilih kain..

Heritage F.O. ...ye ke..adeh, luper..linda refresh me plss...c? i'm not a good reviewer haha..erm ni jln riau nie, bkn heritage rsnyer..haha

not my taste..huhu

eeewww perut sapi yg hitam n x dibersihkn dulu..oh tidak...

Linda in motion-model tudung~slps disuruh lompat2 oleh mama~aduh mengapakah dilayan ibuku..

konon je happy

tudung saji? hahaha

percaya pd diri, dgn harapan dan keyakinan...........hahhahahahhaha

ngantuk...will upload other pics latersss...

Labels: 3 souls | | edit post
f a t i h a t i e
Gambar terbaik yg kupilih yg boleh dijadikan contoh (pilihgambar terbaik ke mmg nk edit yg ni hehehe ssshhhh)


ikut arahan dlm buku dan tadddaaa......


Photo editing rawks!!!

Excuse my "jakuness"
f a t i h a t i e
1. Having lunch alone. (Not a good time. Am losing my appetite)

2. Am using silk highway to the office in bangi since last week cz the shortcut road (frm semenyih to bangi) is closed for construction. Always forgetfully used LeKAS highway cz i often use dat highway to UM or cheras.thank god ade susur masuk putrajaya. But there’s dis one time (ye, saya dah termasuk lekas hiway 2 kali) terlepas susur tu, terpaksa lalu saujana impian, naseb ade susur putrajaya yg lg jauh tp kena tol kat sg ramal pulak dah..wut’s wrong with me?12km jadi ~30 km OK?!! I think i’m losing my head.

3. Waiting for kak Amy’s sample (AGAIN) to proceed my part.

4. Dying to finish my labwork so i can rest my head in peace and i can think of other things.

5. Have a plane to catch this Friday. The mood of shopping will eventually kick in as soon as i am on the plane. =D

6. I read anything from art to law ( erm law?) that can make each of my day valuable. Yes, i am never a book freak.( Erm chemistry books baca sikit2 je..hihi..). I went to the library (i seldom go to the library) to borrow chemistry book and ended up borrowing more of photo editing books heheh. I am still puzzled why photography & photo editing books were place next to chemistry books? To seduce me of course. Why beads sewing books weren’t located there? Heheh. Yes, i’m ranting.

7. Thinking of going to the book store after coming back from Bandung. (lepas dpt scholar allowance le...)

8. Can’t wait to see my dress dat i’ve sent to the tailor this 25th so i can sew my so called extravagant beads.(haha Yes dream on babe). The shimmering beads design is already emblazoned in my head.heheh..(they say dat there’s a beads & sewing store name Karysma in bangi bt i don’t know the exact location of it huhuh. )

9. Am sewing beads for wani’s kurung. Was thinking of what pattern to sew. Ended up sewing a simple one. Huhuh.. I think she dislike a heavy/traditional (bunga timbul2 design)..rite?heheh

10. Thinking of my future job...this time, i have to do a deep research on the organization first hahaha paranoid giler! (study pun x abes lagi dah berangan nak p kerja OK!) hello, wake up pls!!!

Well, this is merely my current brain activity. Do not store it in ur head seriously. Heheh.

Ps: Introducing Nur Umairah Zulaikha, Mansur’s niece. Hhihi sempat lagi.

Labels: 2 souls | | edit post
f a t i h a t i e
...tak mau kesilapan berulang...

Me:Mama camne nk buat kalau x nk org 'gelewak'(menyibuk) kat tmpt peristiwa kejadian sarung cincin/pembatalan air semayang kat backdrop nnt?

Yg terlintas di benak:
1. akad nikah kat masjid (x yah backdrop backdrop heheh), akad n sarung di mn2 ruang masjid pun, sama je backgroundnye-->nk akad nikah kat rumah
2. kalau kat rumah, suruh linda sbg pengapit 'halaukan' rakyat jelata dgn sopan lepas akad nikah & beraleh ke ruang kejadian peristiwa sarung cincin yg dah disediakan backdrop..hmmm maybe
3. Akad nikah di tingkat bwh & sarung cincin kat bilik pengantin kat atas tp aku x minat peristiwa kejadian sarung cincin di bilik tido.
4. sarung cincin dpn pelamin-x gemar. pelamin nk khaskan utk sanding je klu leh.
5.Letak hantaran dekat keliling kejadian spy org x nyibuk situ-hahah x lojik, nk wat sempadan plak.. hahah x msuk akal.
6. org x duduk dekat2 tmpt kejadian kot? huhuh mustahil

hmmm buntu...

7.letak red tape keliling tmpt kejadian sarung cincin macam dlm citer CSI


ps: sila pilih nombor 1-7. jika tiada di atas, pendapat anda dialu2kan heheh

pss: next week g bandung, tp cm x de perasaan je, bley x..
Labels: 7 souls | | edit post
f a t i h a t i e

Smlm, g wedding kat putrajaya & g ampang dgn mama lawat encik mansur=)..sempat lg amek pics ni sbg kenangan di hari tua hihihi

picture taken by mama hihi...macam real je muka sakit...mama mmg x tahan gelak lepas snap pic ni
Labels: 0 souls | | edit post

he or she..

Lilypie Maternity tickers