f a t i h a t i e

This is not important... but it is to me... my friends might say i'm crazy, i'm stupid,,, bla bla bla... Yes. dat's for my own good... i know... thank u for ur care guys... but i just need to write this down... u will not understand this entry but one day, i hope i can explain this back... i strongly want to believe that...that one day i can solve this mystery and understand this myself... i'm afraid i shall forget this in the future, forget this moment... forget this awfull feeling and anxiety... forget this butterflies in my tummy... forget this creepyness... what kind of feelings actually have these kind of combinations? *senyum tawar*... wow this is freeky...hahaha *gelak hambar*...

To you, though u won't be reading this, if it's true, i guess i shud... erm say i'm sorry? if what i'm guessing is not true, then i think it's a waste of time pinning this down... (yes, that's what they keep on tellin' me....a waste of time)...

i shudnt be thinking about this... i know... plzz dont worry for me...plzzz say nothing... plzz... i'm ok... i'm ok...i'll be.

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    "my friends might say i'm crazy, i'm stupid,,, bla bla bla..."

    comment: not true 100%... fit_nah?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Good for people to know.

he or she..

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