f a t i h a t i e

I waited all day after sms'ed Dr Ismail, my supervisor..
Later in the evening as i was packing my notebook, he came to my room

Dr Ismail: Er kenapa yg sms hari jumaat tu eh (muka blur2)
Me: Jumaat? (Double blur)
Dr Ismail: Td awk sms sy ckp psl jumaat?
Me: Jumaat? mn ada Dr.. (Aku ada slh anto msg kat org lain send kat dia ke?)
Dr Ismail: *mengeluarkan hp nye)
Me: (Tetiba haku terhengat!!!)Oh ye..Dr...F R I tuuu...mksud saya free FREE...bile Dr
free, sms sy...hehe sori dr, miscom..
Dr Ismail: (gelak) xpe..sok pg la jumpa sy..

When I told the stories to mansur n wani, still I couldnt stop laughing...
cant he use comman sense? or am i not making any sense?

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4 Responses
  1. PhotoAddict Says:

    "Doktor friday nanti SMS k. TQ"

    "Doktor free nanti SMS k. TQ"

    hahaha...kalo diy pun prefer yg 1st... sbb fri lbih similar to FRIday instead of FREe....

  2. hehe tu la psl x kan remind dia soh sms hari jumaat kan, gile lama hehe..senget la dr..hehe memain je, cyg dr tu..dia dl dulu wat phd kat UMT gitu thn 2006 (hehe promo UMT ke)

  3. Skinny Legs Says:

    mula-mula aku cam blur pe kaitan ngan jumaat...pastuh br dapat...gelak guling2 lah aku kt meja tuh...aku terbayang muka dier pkai spec...kurus2 gitu...blur...hahahah...lawak2

  4. haha 1st dia x kurus sgt, 2nd dia x pakai spec..hehe

he or she..

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