Dah tak lama lagi dah..
Assalamualaikum semua...
Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri untuk semua...masih lagi di bulan Syawal kita
ni, jadi dikesempatan ini saya ingin memohon maaf atas ...
apa kata korg?
tempat : surau KLCC
masa : sambil menuggu masuk waktu solat Maghrib
situasi 1
ada bbrapa org budak perempuan kat saf blkg aku..dok
#146 self esteem anyone?
I weigh around 50kilos before I got pregnant and once I knew I was pregnant
.. I ate every single thing that I want. Until the 40thweek .. I weigh
around 6...
Paranormal activity?
Mom came in to turn off the light last night because I was dead asleep
since 8pm after swallowing the flu pills. I sort of woke up by her
'presence' and wa...
eh apasal lak tukar rumah sampai gitu skali...
anyway... hopefully u'll find your home sweet home soon
well.owang pompuan cerewet sgt nih..haha..ni leh jd guiness pny world of record..
bukan sbb cerewet la azuan... klu sbb cerewet x publish kat sini...huhu