f a t i h a t i e
I feel like i ought to make a new blog...but since i have no tym to update so lets leave it dis way...

i need stability.
i hate to move out,
but i just have to.

kerana sekeping kad, sebuah kereta dan port klang.
3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    tak tau cerita lagi, hopefully bile free bleh cerita ye,

    apa pun, banyak bersabar... dan tabahkan hati

  2. filantera Says:

    baru mula keja biasalaaaa
    tak dapat first pay lagi kan!

  3. Skinny Legs Says:

    kad ape ko dapat neh?...
    xkan kad merah kot...=p

he or she..

Lilypie Maternity tickers