f a t i h a t i e

Dan keesokan paginye, aku sibuk di dapur menumbuk halus garam yg sudah sedia halus...(kebetulan, sampel yg diperlukan sama seperti garam masakan...=))
not right... not right...
Jangan ikut aku...hihihi.
3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    wat the hell wif all the garam2 thingy man???...hahahah!!!! oh yeee...ur chemist thing...

  2. Anonymous Says:

    i forgot...its metheBest =p

  3. akunye compound ilang missin in action so aku amek ar garam since cam lebey kurang je ...haha... ntah ape2...now, dat's history..

he or she..

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